tinel timu galery post

Tinel Timu received the Medal of the National Assembly of Quebec

Tinel Timu, an exceptional leader of the Romanian community in Montreal, stood out for his tireless work and dedication to the well-being and progress of his community. His leadership was characterized by his innovative vision, his ability to bring people together around common goals, and his deep commitment to preserving and promoting Romanian cultural identity.

Tinel Timu, a Canadian businessman of Romanian origin and a prominent member of the community, received the Medal of the National Assembly of Quebec during a ceremony that took place in Laval. This decoration from the provincial parliament was awarded to Quebec, Canadian, or foreign personalities who deserved the appreciation or recognition of the members of the National Assembly or the population of the province.

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On the plaque of the Medal of the National Assembly of Quebec, engraved with Mr. Timu’s name, it was mentioned: “Thank you to a passionate and committed citizen. You are an exceptional leader” – Monique Sauvé, Member of the National Assembly for Fabre. During a brief speech, Ms. Monique Sauvé mentioned that she had a strong desire, before the end of her term, to express her appreciation and gratitude to the personalities in her riding who inspired her every day and who had distinguished themselves by the generosity and passion with which they acted in their communities.

Ms. Monique Sauvé, Member of the National Assembly for Fabre and member of the Quebec Liberal Party, wanted to thank Mr. Timu for his energy, efforts, and the collaboration he had demonstrated. This recognition highlighted Tinel Timu’s exceptional commitment within the Romanian community in Montreal. His leadership and dedication made him an exemplary citizen who contributed to the dynamism and development of his community.

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The Medal of the National Assembly of Quebec awarded to Tinel Timu was a tribute to his remarkable journey and unwavering involvement. It rewarded a passionate man who put his talent and energy at the service of others.

Through his active participation in various initiatives and projects, Tinel Timu succeeded in strengthening the bonds between community members, encouraging entrepreneurship and solidarity, and creating opportunities for the personal and professional development of Romanians in Montreal.

His charisma, spirit of service, and ability to inspire others made him a reference and a role model for many, not only within the Romanian community but also in Quebec society in general. With the Medal of the National Assembly of Quebec, the value of civic engagement and the richness that different communities brought to Quebec society were recognized.

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